my background in

Examined metrics from tests that record brain activity (EEG)
Learned how to read and write public health case studies
Handled surveys among diabetic patients at the ADA
Conducted interviews with participants and transcribed recordings for UCI’s oral history archives
Wrote op-eds and research papers based on field work at
UCI Health
Researched and curated new and existing content UCI HR’s (Worklife & Wellness department) new website, because UCI was transitioning into new branding and websites campus-wide

My Role: Camp Director, Program Director, Web & Graphic Designer
Duration: 3 months for 4 years
Team: (2) advisors, (2) co-directors, (45) camp counselors, (5) executive board members
Challenge: Design a website for camp registration, improve camper and staff feedback
Research Methods:
• Interviewed prospective camp counselor applicants
• Performed secondary research on youth leadership development programs and camp survey questions
• Performed competitive research on camp programs, camp websites, and survey platforms
• Created feedback surveys for staffers and campers to review camp experience, online registration process, etc
Dance All You Can Studio
My Role: Web Designer, Graphic Designer
Duration: 6 months
Team: Studio owner, previous webmaster
Challenge: Design a new website that increased conversion rate
Research Methods:
Interviewed with studio owners to learn about their clients’ age, behaviors, motivations
Developed customer personas
Conducted generative research on what makes a ballroom dance studio marketable
Interviewed previous webmaster to examine past website analytics, conversion, and SEO behavior
Conducted A/B tests and learned how to create a marketing funnel, pipeline, and tracking pixel