my background in






  • Examined metrics from tests that record brain activity (EEG)

  • Learned how to read and write public health case studies

  • Handled surveys among diabetic patients at the ADA

  • Conducted interviews with participants and transcribed recordings for UCI’s oral history archives

  • Wrote op-eds and research papers based on field work at

    UCI Health

  • Researched and curated new and existing content UCI HR’s (Worklife & Wellness department) new website, because UCI was transitioning into new branding and websites campus-wide




My Role: Camp Director, Program Director, Web & Graphic Designer

Duration: 3 months for 4 years

Team: (2) advisors, (2) co-directors, (45) camp counselors, (5) executive board members

Challenge: Design a website for camp registration, improve camper and staff feedback

Research Methods:

• Interviewed prospective camp counselor applicants

• Performed secondary research on youth leadership development programs and camp survey questions

• Performed competitive research on camp programs, camp websites, and survey platforms

• Created feedback surveys for staffers and campers to review camp experience, online registration process, etc


Dance All You Can Studio

My Role: Web Designer, Graphic Designer

Duration: 6 months

Team: Studio owner, previous webmaster

Challenge: Design a new website that increased conversion rate

Research Methods:

  • Interviewed with studio owners to learn about their clients’ age, behaviors, motivations

  • Developed customer personas

  • Conducted generative research on what makes a ballroom dance studio marketable

  • Interviewed previous webmaster to examine past website analytics, conversion, and SEO behavior

  • Conducted A/B tests and learned how to create a marketing funnel, pipeline, and tracking pixel